Friday 1 May 2015

today has been one big waiting game. We waited at the hotel so that we would be able to checkout at 2:00. We had to wait at the airport for about 9 hours with 3 of those hours being in line. Finally we will be in the air for approximately. 6 1/2 hours with probably another 30 minutes for boarding and takeoff. Food for myself turned to be a little terrible today starting with an omelet that wasnt close to being cooked and was so runny it wasn't a solid objec. Freezer burnt perogies, and canned mushrooms in my orzo  pasTa. Other than that practiced ukulele for about an hour, wrote some info into my journal, and got beaten at war 2 times in a row -_-. Even though there were a lot of issues today it's been an awesome day we will be boarding in about an hour and I'm extremely excited! Next time you hear from me I will be in Ireland!

I am also looking forward to the in flight movies ;). Goodnight Canada Soon to be good morning Dublin!

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