Thursday 30 April 2015

Hey! Made it to Toronto so far didn't take long at all me and Andy (#1 traveling companion)...(only traveling ccompanion) were researching our trip in our "Traveling Europe on a Budget ". Looks like me and andy will be spending a ton of time in Spain and Ireland...because they are less expensive than the rest Haha. We stopped at webber's on the way and I completed my first handstand on the webbers bridge which felt fantastic! Right now we are at a hotel 10 minutes from the airport. We worked up a sweat in the gym and now getting ready for bed the hotel comes with a free shuttle to the airport. The plan is to take the 1:15 pm shuttle validate our tickets and wait for our flight at 11:10 p.m. We arrive in Dublin Ireland at 10:40 a.m. Flight is supposed to take 6 hrs and 30 minutes. Super excited!! Time for bed though.


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