Monday 4 May 2015

Hi again!

What a day yesterday was!!!

Started out waking up quietly at our hostel trying really hard not to wake anyone up...didn't work. They woke us up first (well me because andy sleeps like a rock) it couldn't be helped. Had the hostel breakfast and headed to the bus station to check about tickets to Rosslare harbour. have to take 2 one to Wexford and then one to the harbour.

We went to Phoenix park next hoping to get there before our Jameson wisky tour at noon. Didn't get to the park so we went on the tour...I'm not the biggest fan of whisky but I know how to drink it now...didn't help I don't like whisky haha. The tour ended with us doing a comparison between Jameson whisky, jack Daniels, and the leading scotch. Where its true Jameson is the best (started in 1780 run by John Jameson 1,2,3 and 4, and is triple distilled where as all the rest are double or single) the other ones sucked so much in comparison you wonder if they made them bad. Great tour though!

This was the point we went to Phoenix park and saw the wellington memorial. The park alone was stunning not a scrap of garbage and so many people! The nature wasnt even comparable to anywhere else so lush and green and beautiful. The Wellington monument Looked like Washington one but smaller...but still really big to me.

After that we were both pretty tired so I looked up some hostels in rosslare harbour Found one not too pricey.

The best part of our day came at night. I contacted Sensei Paul Cummins to see if I could work out at his judo club he said yes so we traveled a little out of our way by bus To his club...didn't know where we were going in the end so I asked A woman on the bus for help her name is Kate. Kate and her 14 year old boy O' Sean were the most helpful people we have met so far they came off the bus at our stop and showed us where it was! So helpful! We gave them Canadian pins to say thank you.

Sensei Paul Cummins is one of 4 6th degree black belts in all of Ireland. His work out was fantastic I will have to bring some of his lessons to my club! All of the people there were really nice to me and they were all quite well versed in judo It was fantastic! Again we gave out pins. If you do judo and are going to Dublin go to Paul Cummins school of Judo. You will not be disappointed.

Anyway that's most to report for now have a good one!
 bye for now!


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