Saturday 9 May 2015

May 8th Versailles was our real goal of the day The hostel had some reduced rates for seeing it with transportation and we'll bad experience for that we really over paid for a poor service on that one. That being said Versailles is incredible right when you see it you are in awe. It really is a castle. The lines were just as big as the castle when we went into line it took about 1 hr 15min and the line was half as big as it got. The inside of Versailles had a very grand feel with ferry tacky wallpaper. I felt one of the door ways because it looked like marble. It was wood painted to look like marble -_-. Amazing paintings especially the ones on the ceiling. The kings bed was a big of a let down it was more the size of my queen size bed at home haha.

The gardens were fantastic a lot of fountains were kind of broken but still spectacular! They had a fountain mirror where its a 7 minute fountain show set to match the classical music it was really cool. The building all together is massive but the gardens are even bigger! Maybe 75% bigger it's crazy cool.

After that me and andy just vegged out hung around with some Canadians and slept good night!

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