Saturday 16 May 2015

May 11th

Brussels. To say the least it's a smaller sized City. We met a couple of Canadian s there who we hung out witH. During the day we walked the streets of brussels with Tyler (from Calona B.c.). It took us about 3-4 hours of touring around the city but we ended up seeing most of the bigger buildings in Brussels. There were many huge European Union buildings most of them were really big, and all of them are brand new.

Ice cream and waffles. Are great everywhere in Europe but the waffles are quite exceptional in Belgium. You could find waffles almost everywhere you looked, including the vending machines!

there are tons of little parks scattered throughout brussels. many of them are rather dirty looking but they seemed to be in the works for cleaning them haha.

When we got back from our walk aboutcwe started talking to 3 other Canadians ( nicknames turk, cam and Dylan) we got along so we ended up going out and exploring some bars with them it was a pretty fun time must say.

That was most of Brussels!

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