Friday 8 May 2015

May 7th

This was our big day of seeing the really big stuff in Paris. The only things we didn't really see in Paris yet was the Louvre, and the catacombs.

I had a crepe from a crepe master like the best crepe I ever had he made a full banana fully sliced in like 3 seconds maybe less anD it was so good!!

Driving in Paris is almost as crazy as dublin except the cars slow down for you. The car horn in Paris has to be an official language here because they use it so much! Geez. If people drove like this in Canada so many people would be out of their car in a rage haha. I was looking at judo clubs to go to and the closest one doesn't practice until Saturday. I sent a couple emails to a few but nothing yet.

Notre Dame was one of my favorite stops. The architecture and the stained glass are so extremely elegant! my camera wasn't able to take many pictures inside because you can't use flash and it's pretty dark. The eiffel tower was another fav of mine we didn't go up it just because it was a huge line and it was a little eexpensive but it's so cool in person!

4 more handstands for today as well!

Met a bunch of other Canadians here and hung out with them all night guys we hung out with the most were Matt from Toronto and MacLaine from Halifax they were cool and like us just kind of winging it.


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