Saturday 16 May 2015

May 12th

The guitar makers from brussels (Tao guitars) unfortunately we're going up to Amsterdam for the day so Andrew and I decided to move on And try and see them on the way back. 

We missed our train that we were shooting for at 10:30 am so we had to wait around the train station until 2:33pm for the next one. We passed the time with napping And watching an old homeless guy wander around saying "banananana nanananananananana nanananananananana...and I think he used la as well but....yeah that was fun.

Train finally came and was from brussels to Frankfurt. Tried getting a sandwich on the train...turns out when you point at a sesame seed bagel with cheese salmon and horseradish...they just give you a sesame bagel...plain and hot. Tasted great though so not complaining haha. 

When we got to Frankfurt we went on a train from there to Munich. The combined. Train time between the 2 were about 8 hours. 

We arrived in Munich rather late and continued to our hostel and went to bed as well as we could...there was a man whose snores reminded me of some kind of truck that kept on breaking down.

Oh forgot to mention earlier that in Belgium the language on the signs is french and dutch and they speak those and English. Really cool place!

Stay tuned! 

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