Monday 18 May 2015

May 16th

50% munich and 50% Switzerland. mostly a travel day nothing too crazy happened other than we got a real taste for Switzerland right away. It really isn't like the other countries we have visited. The countryside is stunning so green and pure and beautiful. The Swiss alps are also very majestic and awe inspiring with a touch of wonder.

The Swiss really like to window shop even if the stores are closed until Monday the Swiss will spend so much time just looking into these windows and just wanting everything inside.

Not much more to report night!

Sunday 17 May 2015

May 13th - 15th

These days were pure Munich days and I'm a little behind in my blog so I'll put them together.

munich was andrew and I's break I did more touristy stuff, exploring places he wasn't interested in And he explored the meat...with more meat and whatever is in a sausage on top of that haha.

While I was exploring he got caught up on sleep, met some new people at the hostel. He did some exploring too we saw similar things just are different times it seemed haha.

Germany is just all around beautiful country side. So many hills and small towns filled the countryside. Much more farming country than I expected.

The Australian girl I was seeing some touristy stuff with let me read a book on how the Germans do things and it was really very interesting the Germans whole society is based on having order so their entire country is based on everyone following that kind of principal. It was so interesting to see in action because it's actually really true! The one tour I did go to for a visit to

Neuschwanstein castle the tour guide that brought us there was completely organized to the second if something changed.. He changed the plan 20 minutes before that change would have happened. That being said when something happens that they didn't eat he got annoyed  not panicked.

While I was in Munich I also got to see the English gardens and one older art gallery and one modern one. 

So far munich had some of the best food on the trip!

Saturday 16 May 2015

May 12th

The guitar makers from brussels (Tao guitars) unfortunately we're going up to Amsterdam for the day so Andrew and I decided to move on And try and see them on the way back. 

We missed our train that we were shooting for at 10:30 am so we had to wait around the train station until 2:33pm for the next one. We passed the time with napping And watching an old homeless guy wander around saying "banananana nanananananananana nanananananananana...and I think he used la as well but....yeah that was fun.

Train finally came and was from brussels to Frankfurt. Tried getting a sandwich on the train...turns out when you point at a sesame seed bagel with cheese salmon and horseradish...they just give you a sesame bagel...plain and hot. Tasted great though so not complaining haha. 

When we got to Frankfurt we went on a train from there to Munich. The combined. Train time between the 2 were about 8 hours. 

We arrived in Munich rather late and continued to our hostel and went to bed as well as we could...there was a man whose snores reminded me of some kind of truck that kept on breaking down.

Oh forgot to mention earlier that in Belgium the language on the signs is french and dutch and they speak those and English. Really cool place!

Stay tuned! 
May 11th

Brussels. To say the least it's a smaller sized City. We met a couple of Canadian s there who we hung out witH. During the day we walked the streets of brussels with Tyler (from Calona B.c.). It took us about 3-4 hours of touring around the city but we ended up seeing most of the bigger buildings in Brussels. There were many huge European Union buildings most of them were really big, and all of them are brand new.

Ice cream and waffles. Are great everywhere in Europe but the waffles are quite exceptional in Belgium. You could find waffles almost everywhere you looked, including the vending machines!

there are tons of little parks scattered throughout brussels. many of them are rather dirty looking but they seemed to be in the works for cleaning them haha.

When we got back from our walk aboutcwe started talking to 3 other Canadians ( nicknames turk, cam and Dylan) we got along so we ended up going out and exploring some bars with them it was a pretty fun time must say.

That was most of Brussels!

Monday 11 May 2015

May 10th

Spent a little more time talking to  Gabby over breakfast and then andrew and I set out on our second train adventure.

This train ride we learned that eurorail is a llittle less cool than we had previously Thought. To go straight to Belgium we had to pay for assigned seating so we would have had to pay extra to use it. If you are traveling without a reserved seating train it makes many stops along the way. We tried using the train without reserved seating. We had 8 train transfers in 6 or 7 hours. We were pretty tired when we finally got to Belgium.

When we arrived in Belgium we went straight to our hostel. Got some food at a local restaurant and then back to the hostel and hung out a bit before bed and that was a bit.

Belgium is an interesting place the signs are in Dutch and french and the locals speak a mix of that and English it's a really cool society. Not sure if I mentioned before but we saw hot air balloons as we entered into Belgium. Everything in Belgium is completely different from France a little dirtier the bus's are different same with the buildings. The buildings look German though.

Not much else to say about May 10th it was really long and really hectic.

May 9th

Was the best day we had in Paris. Started off the day by going underneath Paris to the catacombs we got a cheap skip the line ticket at our hostel which totally paid off. We skipped about 200 people. This was also the day we used the metro just to try it. So much better than the bus and so easy to follow. The catacombs were actually really cool I was nervous until we actually got there but then I was only excited until we came out. There are so many bones down there and they are stacked neatly and sorted. Sometimes you will see that they had a little creativity with the skulls and would make a heart of skulls or a cross in femur's.

When we left the catacombs we went to the Louvre. It was outstanding we spent about 2 hours looking through Roman, Greek, Islamic, Italian and Spanish art and culture. We saw the Mona Lisa and it was much smaller than I thought it would be it has so many people around it. Didn't help that they had one of the biggest paintings in the entire museum on the opposite wall facing the Mona Lisa haha.

When we finished the Louvre we went on a search to find La Baguetterie. la baguetterie is an amazing drum store that my co worker suggestioned. We found the right area and just saw a street full of sex shops. I remembered that he had told me that if we went too far we would so we turned around and found it right away. It was the best drum store I had ever seen amazing stock of everything and just insane! The street that it was on there were many other music stores all specialty stores and all incredible.

We went back to the hostel and took some ddowntime. Andy and i played about 8 games of Foosball and a girl I had just helped with her suitcase came up to me and wanted to buy me a drink to say thank you. Andrew decided he didn't want to do anything more than his laundry and sleep so I waited for her by myself and then went to the bar in the hostel with her and her friend. Her name is Gabrielle (from Australia) and her friend's name is Elaine (from Ireland. Elaine was with us awhile but she went up to her rroom since she was tired. So me and Gabby spent some time together and talked she is really really nice and I will be seeing her in Munich.

That's about all to report!


Saturday 9 May 2015

May 8th Versailles was our real goal of the day The hostel had some reduced rates for seeing it with transportation and we'll bad experience for that we really over paid for a poor service on that one. That being said Versailles is incredible right when you see it you are in awe. It really is a castle. The lines were just as big as the castle when we went into line it took about 1 hr 15min and the line was half as big as it got. The inside of Versailles had a very grand feel with ferry tacky wallpaper. I felt one of the door ways because it looked like marble. It was wood painted to look like marble -_-. Amazing paintings especially the ones on the ceiling. The kings bed was a big of a let down it was more the size of my queen size bed at home haha.

The gardens were fantastic a lot of fountains were kind of broken but still spectacular! They had a fountain mirror where its a 7 minute fountain show set to match the classical music it was really cool. The building all together is massive but the gardens are even bigger! Maybe 75% bigger it's crazy cool.

After that me and andy just vegged out hung around with some Canadians and slept good night!

Friday 8 May 2015

May 7th

This was our big day of seeing the really big stuff in Paris. The only things we didn't really see in Paris yet was the Louvre, and the catacombs.

I had a crepe from a crepe master like the best crepe I ever had he made a full banana fully sliced in like 3 seconds maybe less anD it was so good!!

Driving in Paris is almost as crazy as dublin except the cars slow down for you. The car horn in Paris has to be an official language here because they use it so much! Geez. If people drove like this in Canada so many people would be out of their car in a rage haha. I was looking at judo clubs to go to and the closest one doesn't practice until Saturday. I sent a couple emails to a few but nothing yet.

Notre Dame was one of my favorite stops. The architecture and the stained glass are so extremely elegant! my camera wasn't able to take many pictures inside because you can't use flash and it's pretty dark. The eiffel tower was another fav of mine we didn't go up it just because it was a huge line and it was a little eexpensive but it's so cool in person!

4 more handstands for today as well!

Met a bunch of other Canadians here and hung out with them all night guys we hung out with the most were Matt from Toronto and MacLaine from Halifax they were cool and like us just kind of winging it.


Thursday 7 May 2015

May 6th

More ferry time went by and we finally saw the coast...took about 45 minutes to dock afterward we tried to find our way in Cherbourg. Took awhile but we finally found the train station at about 6:25 p.m. This was where we had to make a decision on whether we wanted to find a hostel last minute in Cherbourg or use our first eurorail day and go to Paris and instead of heading to Switzerland just spend a couple of days in Paris. We picked Paris. We found a hostel that was a little cheaper, good reviews, and had my name in the title. st. Christopher's Inn seems pretty cool so far. It was an hours walk from the train station but for price the beSt. We hopefuly will just stay here since it's very comfortable. The first night I've had a good sleep so far. Everything In Paris is about an hours walk away so we might start using the metro...or if I have my way...walk haha. We arrived in Paris around 10:30 at night and the city is gigantic it's almost never ending buildings after buildings all huge. The architecture is beautiful we saw so many interesting sights within 10 minutes of arriving.

Going back to the train. The train was a little scary every once and awhile another train would pass and out train and there's would always touch so as it passed us me and Andrew kept jumping.

Anyway today's another day!

Wednesday 6 May 2015

May 5th/6th

So morning of the 5th we woke up at 5:30 a.m. To catch the bus to Wexford at 6:30am. We got it no problem and the countryside was beautiful! lots of sheep and lots of cows and lots of horses too. Nice big hills lots of moss, and vines really old buildings it was great!

Arrived at Wexford around bus to Rosslare harbour was supposed to arrive at 10 so we explored and went to a cafe called Nosh + Coffee crazy good food and really nice people. Went to the bus stop found out we had been given the wrong bus schedule and we are actually waiting for we explored some more sent some post cards and Waited bus finally arrived and we headed on down to rosslare harbour got an amazing deal on our ferry thank you eurorail.

We Where supposed to take a ferry the next day but we decided to take one that we found that night so we can move on. That reminds me we had a change of plans because the train to spain is 31 hours and that's a really long time so I think we are skipping it and going straight to Switzerland that being said we might take it but that's a long time in a train for me. Met a new friend on the ferry her name is Agathe she was very nice to talk to I wish I could speak more french at this point because she was using English but she said she prefers speaking french. We talked a good chunk of the night while on the ferry andrew went to bed early because the ferry is very rocky haha. When the ferry first started sailing from the harbour we went on top of the ferry to watch it. The sky is always nicer on the sea Agathe and I stayed on top for a little while but the wind started to pick up and it became a little more difficult to stand so we both left. The ferry staff has lost quite a few dishes to the rocking of the boat haha. Today is more of the same after this 16 1/2 hour ferry ride to Cherbourg we take our first eurorail to either Switzerland (13 hours) or Spain (31 hours) we will see what happens when we land.

au revoir!

Monday 4 May 2015

Hi again!

What a day yesterday was!!!

Started out waking up quietly at our hostel trying really hard not to wake anyone up...didn't work. They woke us up first (well me because andy sleeps like a rock) it couldn't be helped. Had the hostel breakfast and headed to the bus station to check about tickets to Rosslare harbour. have to take 2 one to Wexford and then one to the harbour.

We went to Phoenix park next hoping to get there before our Jameson wisky tour at noon. Didn't get to the park so we went on the tour...I'm not the biggest fan of whisky but I know how to drink it now...didn't help I don't like whisky haha. The tour ended with us doing a comparison between Jameson whisky, jack Daniels, and the leading scotch. Where its true Jameson is the best (started in 1780 run by John Jameson 1,2,3 and 4, and is triple distilled where as all the rest are double or single) the other ones sucked so much in comparison you wonder if they made them bad. Great tour though!

This was the point we went to Phoenix park and saw the wellington memorial. The park alone was stunning not a scrap of garbage and so many people! The nature wasnt even comparable to anywhere else so lush and green and beautiful. The Wellington monument Looked like Washington one but smaller...but still really big to me.

After that we were both pretty tired so I looked up some hostels in rosslare harbour Found one not too pricey.

The best part of our day came at night. I contacted Sensei Paul Cummins to see if I could work out at his judo club he said yes so we traveled a little out of our way by bus To his club...didn't know where we were going in the end so I asked A woman on the bus for help her name is Kate. Kate and her 14 year old boy O' Sean were the most helpful people we have met so far they came off the bus at our stop and showed us where it was! So helpful! We gave them Canadian pins to say thank you.

Sensei Paul Cummins is one of 4 6th degree black belts in all of Ireland. His work out was fantastic I will have to bring some of his lessons to my club! All of the people there were really nice to me and they were all quite well versed in judo It was fantastic! Again we gave out pins. If you do judo and are going to Dublin go to Paul Cummins school of Judo. You will not be disappointed.

Anyway that's most to report for now have a good one!
 bye for now!


Sunday 3 May 2015

Dublin day 2 was much better!

We will be staying one more night after tonight in Dublin and then we are heading to rosslare to catch the ferry so far amazing place hit some pubs and saw a great talented irish band only 2 of 4 but I bought their cd I really enjoyed them alot all classics but really really well done! We spent the day traveling to the Guinness storehouse great experience I poured my own Guinness it was fun and then we took the time round walking through dublin and experiencing their huge churches and trinity college and some of their pubs it took awhile to find one that we could actually sit down in but it was fun seeing how they live from 6 p.m. - 1 a.m. Though we didn't stay out that late I enjoyed the time we spent out and I made a new friend from the hostel she is from Italy and she is a nanny in Dublin. And hopefully soon to new Zealand where she was offered a job so I wish her many happy travels she gave me a lot of advice and I appreciated it so much. Not much else to report other than I have completed 4 handstands and only one mean thing shouted at me so 1 out of 4 not bad haha. Tomorrow is a brand new day and I'm excited! Goodnight!

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful city!

We had a lot of issues booking a hostel because we unknowingly arrived on the busiest day for hostel booking...a Saturday. We spent hours going to hostels and asking if there were finally we decided to go back towards the airport and booked the Travelodge a little over our budget but a nice place the people at the front desk were helpful and it was good to know that euro adapters don't work that well or at that sucks but andrew has a battery charger so that helped we will have to be a bit cautious going forward we have one night at Abigails backpackers hostel tonight and we are going to try and get 2 more nights and then head down to rosslare and take a ferry on the 6th.

lessons learned from Dublin: book hostels in advance, don't leisurely walk across the street or you will get hit, pigeons rule the roost, and it rains all the time in Dublin haha.

Today is a picture day and trying to feel a little more comfortable day you don't realize just how Strange a different country will be until you get there. Most of the older locals speak Gaelic where most of the younger ones are quite capable of English all the time.

The architecture here is amazing to see it is to believe it the houses in the middle of the town are mostly town houses on one side of the street with businesses on the other.  Lots of quaint homes on the back streets. My mom would love them. I think my dad would like the spire it's like a gigantic spear that was left standing in the middle of the town it's awesome. The cathedrals are fantastic just huge and awe inspiring. We will be hitting the Guinness factory today as well and maybe a pub. We went into 2 pubs yesterday looking for b&b's and they echoed with loud laughter and had some strong smells but we're warm.
Most of the dialect spoken inside was Gaelic. Anyway time to start a new day!
Bye for now!


P.s. Andy says hi

Friday 1 May 2015

today has been one big waiting game. We waited at the hotel so that we would be able to checkout at 2:00. We had to wait at the airport for about 9 hours with 3 of those hours being in line. Finally we will be in the air for approximately. 6 1/2 hours with probably another 30 minutes for boarding and takeoff. Food for myself turned to be a little terrible today starting with an omelet that wasnt close to being cooked and was so runny it wasn't a solid objec. Freezer burnt perogies, and canned mushrooms in my orzo  pasTa. Other than that practiced ukulele for about an hour, wrote some info into my journal, and got beaten at war 2 times in a row -_-. Even though there were a lot of issues today it's been an awesome day we will be boarding in about an hour and I'm extremely excited! Next time you hear from me I will be in Ireland!

I am also looking forward to the in flight movies ;). Goodnight Canada Soon to be good morning Dublin!