Thursday 30 April 2015

Day 1

HI! My name is Kris and this is my blog for my Europe trip 2015! For the next 2 months I will be writing my experiences here and trying to share what I see and what I'm up to, with anyone who wants to know.

I have never written a blog if its weird just read the good parts.

Day 1.

I haven't actually left for Europe yet. I will be heading to Toronto later on in the day after my dad gets off work. Once in Toronto we will be staying at a hotel close to the airport so we can take a shuttle there whenever we need to/want to/are hungry/really don't want to miss our flight and decide to go as early as possible and book it.

So...packing sucks so far.

On a positive note I have gotten responses from a couple of the Judo clubs and guitar makers that I really was looking foreword to seeing on this trip.

So far these are the ones that have responded to me.

Judo Clubs:
Judo Klubben Mitani (Denmark), and Erster Berliner Judo Club (Germany).

Guitar Makers:

Tao Guitars (Belgium), Rudolf Bachmann (Italy), and  Pagelli Guitars (Switzerland)

Super excited!

For now that's about it but stay tuned I will try and make and entry every day of my trip.


  1. Hey Kris, If it's okay with you I'll read the weird parts too. :) What part of packing sucks the most?

    1. Finding my sunglasses for the most part haha
