Monday 8 June 2015

May 18th we took a train to Florence or firenze depending on where you are in the world. Florence is a very tightly packed city with crazy driving and really narrow roads in the city it was pretty crazy we didn't explore much for our first day there but coming on the train was nothing but beautiful scenery (though dry) and police officers checking the train with dogs we made a pitstop in Milan and had snack watched everyone smoke by trains so many people smoking inside it was ridiculous! But most of them were in good shape so they must be doing something right I guess when we got to Florence the train station was just packed full of people just so so so many it looked and felt like mayhem it took us awhile to get to our hostel but we did get to see the Florence cathedral which is amazing even just from the outside! When we got to out was a real life nightmare at first I didn't even want to sleep in my bed everything about the place was really really sketchy we went and got a pizza next door and that calmed me down a bit but I still took all the blankets off the bed got new sheets and slept in my sleeping bag haha and that was day 1 in Florence!!
May 17th so today was the full Swiss experience!! Except for chocolate haha but we were still very swiss with our accents and going up to the Alps. To get to Murren (where Andrews family is from) we had to catch a train to Interlaken. From Interlaken we had to take another train to a city at the base of the Alps and from there we took a cable car up 1400 meters above sea level. At the end of the cable car you have to take a mini train to the town and from there you get off and explore as much as you desire and Andrew was sick so we didn't do too much hiking but we were up there awhile it was just too fantastic! Afterwards we came down went through all the trains to get back and got back to a guy pride parade which we tried to avoid but it followed to our hostel haha anyway that's all that really happened other than it being super expensive! Haha

Monday 18 May 2015

May 16th

50% munich and 50% Switzerland. mostly a travel day nothing too crazy happened other than we got a real taste for Switzerland right away. It really isn't like the other countries we have visited. The countryside is stunning so green and pure and beautiful. The Swiss alps are also very majestic and awe inspiring with a touch of wonder.

The Swiss really like to window shop even if the stores are closed until Monday the Swiss will spend so much time just looking into these windows and just wanting everything inside.

Not much more to report night!

Sunday 17 May 2015

May 13th - 15th

These days were pure Munich days and I'm a little behind in my blog so I'll put them together.

munich was andrew and I's break I did more touristy stuff, exploring places he wasn't interested in And he explored the meat...with more meat and whatever is in a sausage on top of that haha.

While I was exploring he got caught up on sleep, met some new people at the hostel. He did some exploring too we saw similar things just are different times it seemed haha.

Germany is just all around beautiful country side. So many hills and small towns filled the countryside. Much more farming country than I expected.

The Australian girl I was seeing some touristy stuff with let me read a book on how the Germans do things and it was really very interesting the Germans whole society is based on having order so their entire country is based on everyone following that kind of principal. It was so interesting to see in action because it's actually really true! The one tour I did go to for a visit to

Neuschwanstein castle the tour guide that brought us there was completely organized to the second if something changed.. He changed the plan 20 minutes before that change would have happened. That being said when something happens that they didn't eat he got annoyed  not panicked.

While I was in Munich I also got to see the English gardens and one older art gallery and one modern one. 

So far munich had some of the best food on the trip!

Saturday 16 May 2015

May 12th

The guitar makers from brussels (Tao guitars) unfortunately we're going up to Amsterdam for the day so Andrew and I decided to move on And try and see them on the way back. 

We missed our train that we were shooting for at 10:30 am so we had to wait around the train station until 2:33pm for the next one. We passed the time with napping And watching an old homeless guy wander around saying "banananana nanananananananana nanananananananana...and I think he used la as well but....yeah that was fun.

Train finally came and was from brussels to Frankfurt. Tried getting a sandwich on the train...turns out when you point at a sesame seed bagel with cheese salmon and horseradish...they just give you a sesame bagel...plain and hot. Tasted great though so not complaining haha. 

When we got to Frankfurt we went on a train from there to Munich. The combined. Train time between the 2 were about 8 hours. 

We arrived in Munich rather late and continued to our hostel and went to bed as well as we could...there was a man whose snores reminded me of some kind of truck that kept on breaking down.

Oh forgot to mention earlier that in Belgium the language on the signs is french and dutch and they speak those and English. Really cool place!

Stay tuned! 
May 11th

Brussels. To say the least it's a smaller sized City. We met a couple of Canadian s there who we hung out witH. During the day we walked the streets of brussels with Tyler (from Calona B.c.). It took us about 3-4 hours of touring around the city but we ended up seeing most of the bigger buildings in Brussels. There were many huge European Union buildings most of them were really big, and all of them are brand new.

Ice cream and waffles. Are great everywhere in Europe but the waffles are quite exceptional in Belgium. You could find waffles almost everywhere you looked, including the vending machines!

there are tons of little parks scattered throughout brussels. many of them are rather dirty looking but they seemed to be in the works for cleaning them haha.

When we got back from our walk aboutcwe started talking to 3 other Canadians ( nicknames turk, cam and Dylan) we got along so we ended up going out and exploring some bars with them it was a pretty fun time must say.

That was most of Brussels!

Monday 11 May 2015

May 10th

Spent a little more time talking to  Gabby over breakfast and then andrew and I set out on our second train adventure.

This train ride we learned that eurorail is a llittle less cool than we had previously Thought. To go straight to Belgium we had to pay for assigned seating so we would have had to pay extra to use it. If you are traveling without a reserved seating train it makes many stops along the way. We tried using the train without reserved seating. We had 8 train transfers in 6 or 7 hours. We were pretty tired when we finally got to Belgium.

When we arrived in Belgium we went straight to our hostel. Got some food at a local restaurant and then back to the hostel and hung out a bit before bed and that was a bit.

Belgium is an interesting place the signs are in Dutch and french and the locals speak a mix of that and English it's a really cool society. Not sure if I mentioned before but we saw hot air balloons as we entered into Belgium. Everything in Belgium is completely different from France a little dirtier the bus's are different same with the buildings. The buildings look German though.

Not much else to say about May 10th it was really long and really hectic.
